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Comparative assessment of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9, and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2 in preeclampsia and gestational hypertension.
Clin Biochem. 2008; 41(10-11):875-80
Palei AC, Sandrim VC, Cavalli RC, Tanus-Santos JE.
Palei AC, Sandrim VC, Cavalli RC, Tanus-Santos JE.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the circulating levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-9, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1, TIMP-2, and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 and MMP-2/TIMP-2 ratios in preeclampsia and gestational hypertension with those found in normotensive pregnancies. DESIGN AND METHODS: We studied 83 pregnant women (30 healthy pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancies, 26 with gestational hypertension, and 27 with preeclampsia) and 30 healthy nonpregnant women in a
Haplotypes of vitamin D receptor modulate the circulating levels of lead in exposed subjects.
Arch Toxicol. 2008; 82(1):29-36
Rezende VB, Barbosa F Jr, Montenegro MF, Sandrim VC, Gerlach RF, Tanus-Santos JE.
Genetic factors influence whole blood lead (Pb-B) concentrations in lead exposed subjects. This study aimed at examining the combined effects (haplotype analysis) of three polymorphisms (BsmI, ApaI and FokI) in vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene on Pb-B and on the concentrations of lead in plasma (Pb-P), which is more relevant to lead toxicity, in 150 environmentally exposed subjects.
Rezende VB, Barbosa F Jr, Montenegro MF, Sandrim VC, Gerlach RF, Tanus-Santos JE.
Genetic factors influence whole blood lead (Pb-B) concentrations in lead exposed subjects. This study aimed at examining the combined effects (haplotype analysis) of three polymorphisms (BsmI, ApaI and FokI) in vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene on Pb-B and on the concentrations of lead in plasma (Pb-P), which is more relevant to lead toxicity, in 150 environmentally exposed subjects.
O plástico ficou ecológico
Matérias-primas renováveis como cana-de-açúcar e milho são usadas para produzir plásticos menos agressivos ao meio ambiente
No tempo que você levará para ler esta reportagem, cerca de 50 000 sacolinhas plásticas serão consumidas no Brasil. A média nacional é de 1,5 milhão por hora. Embora representem pouco individualmente, os saquinhos de supermercado formam um volume enorme de lixo, que pode demorar vários séculos para se decompor no ambiente. Como reduzir o impacto causado pelo plástico na natureza é uma preocupação crescente. Por isso, ganham cada vez mais espaço as iniciativas de produzir plástico a partir de matérias-primas renováveis, como a cana- de-açúcar e o milho.
An interethnic comparison of the distribution of vitamin D receptor genotypes and haplotypes
Clin Chim Acta 2007; 384(1-2):155-9
Rezende VB, Barbosa F Jr, Montenegro MF, Sandrim VC, Gerlach RF, Tanus-Santos JE.
Rezende VB, Barbosa F Jr, Montenegro MF, Sandrim VC, Gerlach RF, Tanus-Santos JE.
BACKGROUND: The biological actions of vitamin D receptor (VDR) may be affected by genetic variations in the VDR gene. While there are interethnic differences in the frequency of VDR gene variants, there is little haplotype information, especially from admixed populations. We examined the distribution of genetic variants of 3 VDR polymorphisms (BsmI, ApaI and FokI) and haplotypes in black and white Brazilians. We have also compared our results with those from the HapMap project. METHODS: We studied 120 subjects
Influence of eNOS haplotypes on the plasma nitric oxide products concentrations in hypertensive and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
Nitric Oxide 2007;16(3):348-55
Sandrim VC, de Syllos RW, Lisboa HR, Tres GS, Tanus-Santos JE.
Sandrim VC, de Syllos RW, Lisboa HR, Tres GS, Tanus-Santos JE.
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) haplotypes are associated with hypertension (HT) in patients with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We evaluated the association of eNOS genotypes/haplotypes with the plasma concentrations of nitrite/nitrate (NO(x)), which are products of nitric oxide in HT, T2DM, and T2DM+HT patients. We studied eNOS polymorphisms in the promoter region (T-786C), in exon 7
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase haplotypes are related to blood pressure elevation, but not to resistance to antihypertensive drug therapy
J Hypertens, 2006; 24(12):2393-7
Sandrim VC, Yugar-Toledo JC, Desta Z, Flockhart DA, Moreno H Jr, Tanus-Santos JE.
Sandrim VC, Yugar-Toledo JC, Desta Z, Flockhart DA, Moreno H Jr, Tanus-Santos JE.
OBJECTIVES: Most hypertensive patients require two or more drugs to control arterial blood pressure effectively. Although endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) haplotypes have been associated with hypertension, it is unknown whether eNOS genotypes/haplotypes are associated with resistance to antihypertensive therapy. METHODS: We studied the distribution of three eNOS genetic polymorphisms: single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region (T(-786)C), and in exon 7 (Glu298Asp), and a
A pesquisa no etanol da cana - Etanol de cana-de-açúcar: quando a sustentabilidade se junta à produtividade
Artigo de Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz*, diretor científico da FAPESP, publicado no blog do jornalista Luis Nassif em 1º/2/2010.
O Brasil é reconhecido mundialmente como o país do etanol de cana-de-açúcar. Com razão, pois nenhum país industrializado até hoje conseguiu substituir o uso de gasolina na escala em que aqui foi feito e produzir praticamente metade da energia que consome a partir de fontes renováveis. Dessa metade, 16% vêm do etanol. No Estado de São Paulo, a vantagem é ainda mais marcante: 56% da energia consumida vêm de fontes renováveis, sendo 38% da cana-de-açúcar. O uso do etanol de cana permitiu que São Paulo reduzisse a participação do petróleo na matriz energética estadual de 60% para 33% nos últimos 30 anos.
Anti-inflammatory effects of atorvastatin: modulation by the T-786C polymorphism in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene
Atherosclerosis. 2007; 193(2):438-444
Souza-Costa DC, Sandrim VC, Lopes LF, Gerlach RF, Rego EM, Tanus-Santos JE.
Souza-Costa DC, Sandrim VC, Lopes LF, Gerlach RF, Rego EM, Tanus-Santos JE.
Statins produce cholesterol-independent, anti-inflammatory effects, which result at least in part from increased endothelial nitric oxide production. These effects may be modulated by polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene. Here, we examined whether the T-786C polymorphism of eNOS gene affects the concentrations of markers of atherosclerosis and inflammation (sCD40L, sVCAM-1, sICAM-1,
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase genotype and haplotype are not associated with diabetic retinopathy in diabetes type 2 patients.
Nitric Oxide 2006; 15(4):417-22
de Syllos RW, Sandrim VC, Lisboa HR, Tres GS, Tanus-Santos JE.
de Syllos RW, Sandrim VC, Lisboa HR, Tres GS, Tanus-Santos JE.
Polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene have been associated with the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), but not with T2DM. However, no previous study has analyzed combinations of genetic markers (haplotypes), which can be more informative. We studied three eNOS genetic polymorphisms: a single nucleotide polymorphism
Ethnicity affects the distribution of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) genetic variants
Clin Chim Acta. 2006;367(1-2):192-5
Montenegro MF, Barbosa F Jr, Sandrim VC, Gerlach RF, Tanus-Santos JE.
Montenegro MF, Barbosa F Jr, Sandrim VC, Gerlach RF, Tanus-Santos JE.
BACKGROUND: delta-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) catalyzes the second step of heme synthesis. The ALAD gene shows a polymorphism (G-to-C transversion at position 177) leading to 2 alleles (ALAD1 and ALAD2) and 3 phenotypes (ALAD 1-1, ALAD 1-2 and ALAD 2-2). This polymorphism has been shown to affect lead toxicity and the risk of meningioma. In addition, there is little evidence showing interethnic differences in the distribution this polymorphism, especially in heterogeneous populations such as the present-day Brazilian population. We examined the distribution of genetic variants of the G177C ALAD polymorphism in black and white Brazilians. METHODS: We studied 115 subjects self-reported as black and
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