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Evidence of thermostable amylolytic activity from Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis using wheat bran and corncob as alternative carbon source

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2008) 31:329–334

S. C. Peixoto-Nogueira, V. C. Sandrim, L. H. S. Guimarães, J. A. Jorge, H. F. Terenzi, M. L. T. M. Polizeli

Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis produced high levels of a-amylase and glucoamylase under solid state fermentation, with several agricultural residues, such as wheat bran, cassava flour, sugar cane bagasse, rice straw, corncob and crushed corncob as carbon sources. These materials were humidified with distilled water, tap water, or saline solutions—Segato Rizzatti (SR), Khanna or Vogel. The best substrate for amylase production was wheat bran with SR saline solution (1:2 v/v). Amylolytic activity was still improved (14.3%) with a mixture of wheat bran, corncob, starch and SR saline solution (1:1:0.3:4.6 w/w/w/v). The optimized

Pasteur: Microbiologia e Biotecnologia

Os primeiros estudos acerca da aplicação industrial dos microrganismos foram realizados por Louis Pasteur. Ele descobriu que o vinho era resultante da atividade microbiana e, percebeu também, que diferenças quanto à qualidade deste produto estavam relacionadas ao tipo de microrganismo realizador da fermentação (Pelczar et al., 1997a). Nesta época nada se sabia sobre enzimas e sua produção controlada até que mais tarde a Europa começou a produzir a-amilases e glucoamilases utilizadas na fabricação de açúcares (Crabb & Mitchinson, 1997; Crabb & Shetty, 1999; Kirk et al., 2002) e álcool (Lee, 1997). Posteriormente os conhecimentos foram ampliados para outras enzimas não amilolíticas (, Peixoto, S.C. - Dissertação de mestrado).

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PEIXOTO, S.C. Estudos comparativos entre as amilases produzidas em cultivo submerso e em substrato sólido pelo fungo termotolerante Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis: Purificação e caracterização enzimática. Dissertação apresentada à FFCLRP, para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciências, área de concentração: Biologia comparada, pp, 137, 2004.

Replicação do DNA

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O processo de replicação do material genético ocorre durante o  período S da intérfase que é dividida em G1, S e G2.

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Quando uma célula não está se "preparando" para a divisão celular é dito que a mesma encontra-se em G0.

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Production of xylanase by Aspergilli using alternative carbon sources: application of the crude extract on cellulose pulp biobleaching

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2009) 36:149–155

Simone de Carvalho Peixoto-Nogueira · Michele Michelin · Jorge Henrique Almeida Betini · João Atílio Jorge · Héctor Francisco Terenzi · Maria de Lourdes Teixeira de Moraes Polizeli

The ability of xylanolytic enzymes produced by Aspergillus fumigatus RP04 and Aspergillus niveus RP05 to promote the biobleaching of cellulose pulp was investigated. Both fungi grew for 4–5 days in liquid medium at
40°C, under static conditions. Xylanase production was tested using diVerent carbon sources, including some types of xylans. A. fumigatus produced high levels of xylanase on agricultural residues (corncob or wheat bran), whereas A. niveus produced more xylanase on birchwood xylan. The optimum temperature of the

"Dinâmica" dos genes

Vídeo interessante! Click no linka abaixo e entenda mais sobre o DNA.

Autoria de terceiros.

Regulation of xylanase in Aspergillus phoenicis: a physiological and molecular approach

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 35:237–244

Ana Carolina Segato Rizzatti · Fernanda Zanolli Freitas · Maria Célia Bertolini · Simone Carvalho Peixoto-Nogueira · Héctor Francisco Terenzi · João Atílio Jorge · Maria de Lourdes Teixeira de Moraes Polizeli

Microbial xylanolytic enzymes have a promising biotechnological potential, and are extensively applied in industries. In this study, induction of xylanolytic activity was examined in Aspergillus phoenicis. Xylanase activity induced by xylan, xylose or beta-methylxyloside was predominantly extracellular (93–97%). Addition of 1% glucose to media supplemented with xylan or xylose repressed xylanase production. Glucose

Screening of filamentous fungi for production of enzymes of biotechnological interest

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2006) 37:474-480

Luis Henrique S. Guimarães; Simone C. Peixoto-Nogueira; Michele Michelin; Ana Carolina S. Rizzatti; Valéria C. Sandrim; FabianaF. Zanoelo; Ana Carla M.M. Aquino; Altino B. Junior; Maria de Lourdes T.M. Polizeli

Many enzymes produced by fungi have relevant biotechnological applications in several industrial areas. The purpose of this study was to collect and isolate filamentous fungi from soil and humus, plants and sugar cane bagasse of different regions of the São Paulo state. Forty isolates were examined for their ability to produce xylanase, glucose-oxidase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, phytase, pectinase and amylase. Among these, twenty three isolates exhibited enzymatic potential. The xylanases produced by two of these isolates (Aspergillus caespitosus and A. phoenicis) showed good potential for pulp bleaching. Among seventeen isolates, at least three produced high levels of glucose-oxidase, being Rhizopus stolonifer and A. versicolor the best producer strains. A. caespitosus, Mucor rouxii, and nine others still not identified were the best


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Glucoamylase isoform (GAII) purified from a thermophilic fungus Scytalidium thermophilum 15.8 with biotechnological potential


Mariana Cereia; Luis Henrique S. Guimarães; Simone C. Peixoto-Nogueira; João A. Jorge; Héctor F. Terenzi; Lewis J. Greene; Maria de Lourdes T.M. Polizeli

Scytalidium thermophilum 15.8 produced two extracellular glucoamylases. Using a DEAE-Cellulose chromatographic column glucoamylases form II (GAII) was separated and purified from glucoamylases form I (GAI) that was previously purified and characterised (Cereia et al., 2000) when the filtrate of the culture medium was applied to a DEAE-Cellulose

Aplicação biotecnológica de enzimas na indústria de rações

As xilanases podem ser aplicadas como aditivo em ração para ruminantes, no intuito de aumentar a digestibilidade de alimentos fibrosos e, consequentemente, o desempenho animal. Essas enzimas atuam degradando os carboidratos ingeridos no alimento e fornecem açúcares menores para as bactérias presentes no rúmen bovino. Na presença desses oligossacarídeos rapidamente assimiláveis, há uma maior e mais rápida proliferação das bactérias no rúmen aumentando a eficiência do processo de digestão.

Characterisation of an acid trehalase produced by the thermotolerant fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis: Biochemical properties and immunochemical localisation


Ana Carla Medeiros Morato de Aquino, Simone Carvalho Peixoto-Nogueira, João Atílio Jorge, Héctor Francisco Terenzi, Maria de Lourdes Teixeira de Moraes Polizeli

An acid trehalase from Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis was purified to apparent homogeneity. The molecular weight by SDS–PAGE (60 kDa) or Sephacryl S-200 filtration (105 kDa) suggested a homodimer. The carbohydrate content was 72%. Endoglycosidase H digestion resulted in one sharp band of 51.5 kDa in SDS–PAGE. pH and temperature optima were 4.5 and 45ºC, respectively. The isoelectric point was 6.69 and activation energy was 1.14 kcal mol-1. The enzyme was stable for 1 h at 50ºC and decayed at 60ºC (t50 of 1.3 min.). Apparent KM for trealose was 0.2 mM. Immunolocalisation studies showed the enzyme tightly packed at the surface of the cells.

Mercado de enzimas

De acordo com o “Business Communications Co”, o mercado global para enzimas industriais aumentou de US$ 2.2 bilhões em 2006 para uma estimativa de US$ 2.3 bilhões no final de 2007. Os principais setores que consomem enzimas representam, respectivamente, o de alimentos e ração animal de detergentes e produtos de limpeza, produtos químicos, têxteis, couro e pele e polpa e papel. A maior velocidade de crescimento é esperada no setor de ração animal, ajudado em grande parte pelo aumento do uso de fitases em ração de monogástricos. Essas fitases propciam o aproveitamento do fitato presente na ração animal e reduz o P orgânico liberado como resíduo nas fezes, lembrando que este P representa grande problema ambiental devido a poluição do solo e conseqüente comtaminação de lençóis freáticos (YATIN & THAKORE,; Polizeli, 2008). 

Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis: a thermotolerant fungus with potential for production of thermostable amylases.


DOI 10.1007/s10123-003-0140-1

Simone C. Peixoto; João A. Jorge; Héctor F. Terenzi; Maria de Lourdes T.M. Polizeli

The effect of several nutritional and environmental parameters on growth and amylase production from Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis was analysed. This fungus was isolated from soil of the Brazilian "cerrado" and produced high levels of amylolytic activity at 45ºC in liquid medium supplemented with starch, sugar cane bagasse, oat meal or cassava flour. Glucose in the culture medium drastically repressed the amylolytic activity. The products of hydrolysis were analysed by thin layer chromatography, and glucose was detected as the main component. The amylolytic activity hydrolysed several substrates, such as amylopectin, amylase, glycogen, pullulan, starch, and maltose. Glucose was always the main end product detected by high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis. These results indicated that the amylolytic activity studied is a glucoamylase, but there were also low levels of alpha-amylase. As compared to other fungi, R. microsporus var. rhizopodiformis can be considered an efficient producer of thermostable amylases, using raw residues of low cost as substrates. This information is of technological value, considering the importance of amylases for industrial hydrolysis.

Biotecnologia: um pouco de história

O interesse pelos fungos vem desde a Grécia e Roma, provavelmente porque poderiam constituir em fonte de alimentação. O estudo aprofundado destes organismos tornou-se possível graças à invenção do microscópio e, em 1975, foi lançado o livro Theatrum Fungorum of Het Tooneel der Campernoelien, obra destinada a diferenciar fungos venenosos dos comestíveis (